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Demolition Downsizing.  Re-build the ultimate Body

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

The secret to permanent weight loss is surprisingly simple. Weight is a symptom.  That's all.

To permanently build a strong healthy body, a person must first start by demolition of the old learned behaviours thoughts and negative transcriptions our inner dialogue.

When a person feels stronger internally they are much more able to make better life choices including health wealth and wellbeing, groups friendships and partnerships.

Clearing out the system of old trauma, thoughts, habits and fears.  It is expressing or releasing any emotions that have been silenced through fear, inaction, guilt, shame or anger.  This removes the need for the symptom.

Redefine the mantra of your life.  What you stand for.  What you believe in.

Often we define ourselves too much by our involvements with others.  “If it weren't for my obligation to that individual I..”  Too often do we attribute our success by the judgement or approval of outside influence rather than our own internal reflection of how we feel about ourselves.

If you base too much of your own sense of identity on others, you begin to forget who you really are deep down inside.

You need to nurture and appreciate who you are authentically.  Accept that you are able to achieve a connection with others based on who you are.

“Psychologists aim to improve their mood, largely by addressing anxiety, depression, and various psychological wounds from the past. A philosopher, on the other hand, would examine the underlying idea of happiness itself and why it is or isn't feasible.” Deepak Chopra

Is the past irrelevant NOW?   If you cut away all that happened yesterday, and only keep wisdom, memories and experience.  Can it be that what is left, is surplus to requirements and no longer necessary?

Do not accept anything less than what you deserve!   Move the goal line further as you achieve each goal.  Dream big.  Surprise yourself.  Believe you are worth it and stick to your decision.

1 Clearance - it all goes! Nothing at end of the session is kept.

2 Re-define YOU

3 Stop caring about the external and feel the internal

4 Boost the self esteem and confidence

5 Happiness and contentment is the ultimate goal.  All the rest will slip into place.

6 White noise is gone.  Turn that restless energy into your passion.

7 Exercise is excellent for a) your mind to gain clarity and focus, b) for loss of inches, c) overall ultimate body maintenance 

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