In Australia we have an epidemic.
In the mines across Australia five people a day are committing suicide. This is unacceptable. From talking to people still working in this field, the reasons are
a)instability - being on a causal basis due to unions and contracts with the instability and uncertainty creating fear
b)working conditions - productivity and hours up, conditions down
c)loneliness - working in a hard hot pressure cooker AND being away from the lifeline of familiarity love and compassion
d)family breakdown due to lack of hands on support as one parent is home, one away, and the daily commitments
Farmers have faced drought, export issues, shut downs, interference from government and climate agencies, which make it almost impossible to continue as a viable business, and through general lack of support, empathy and compassion from cities. It is also cheaper to import for a lot of the businesses who do not care about or support local business.
Then there are the millennials currently “twadults” -teens and young adults. Through a change in the way to raise children many of this generation has no optimism, drive or motivation and are much more sensitive with too much choice ending with scattered thoughts and decisions leading to procrastination. Simply put, they are raised to do whatever they wanted, given grades and awards for just participating and wrapped in cotton wool. Given far too much “choice” when they hit the real world they see it has no relation to how they were raised. They are ill equipped to deal with today's age.
With technology and social media everything is instant and in your home or hand.
You can upload a video or photo with little to no thought and have it viewed immediately around the world. It is also the most sexually exposed time where it is normal to post what was private on social media into the public eye.

Bullying used to be face to face now keyboard warriors can stalk, haunt, abuse, terrorise and harass you till you are at your wits end. There is little to no enforcement of stalking and internet harassment.
All this adds up to doing silly things, posting it online and realising that once you get a reaction the only way out is death.
People seem to be so over exposed, so sensitive, the outside source is ruling the inside worth. People put the value of likes-adds-followers as their true value of themselves. The world is going faster and faster with people under much more pressure to perform and achieve. To have it all and have it now.
It is little wonder that by being so open to, and over exposed to the world, that we have people feeling so naked and vulnerable that suicide is the only choice.
What about parents raising your children in a safe, stimulated loving environment with rules, discipline and routine, teaching them to respect themselves and others, to best give them skills to succeed in life.
Clinical Hypnosis is a treatment that releases pent up emotional, traumatic or habitual negative pressure triggers, to acknowledge, release and break that mind set for a successful life ahead.